2022 MLB Team Analysis

In this project I took publicly available information on the 2022 MLB spending habits, win rates, and locations of different MLB franchises. To interact with the visualization you can see it here on my Tableau Public profile. The screenshot below displays the dashboard, but without any interactivity.

Data sources: baseball-reference.com, fangraphs.com

Setup & context

I was interested in visualizing how spending and the number of wins in the 2022 regular season are related. I also wanted to see which teams were the most popular by average attendance.

Challenges faced

I had to connect data from two different sources which lacked a common column. I used excel to add a key column that can be used to join the data in Tableau.

Insights learned

With an r-squared value of about 4%, the variation in wins is not explained by player salary spending. 4 of the top 10 spending teams were also in the top 10 in average attendance.